When it comes to supplements that have made a significant impact in the world of fitness and sports, creatine stands as a true champion.[1] This naturally occurring compound, found predominantly in meat and fish, has gained immense popularity for its wide-ranging benefits.[2] Beyond its well-documented advantages in muscle building and sports performance, creatine offers a plethora of other health benefits.[3] In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the world of creatine and explore the numerous ways it can benefit not only athletes but also individuals seeking improved overall health and well-being.

What is Creatine? Everything You Need to Know

Are you asking yourself, “What is creatine?” or researching, “What does creatine do?” If so, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

One of the most well-known benefits of creatine is its ability to enhance athletic performance. Creatine phosphate, a form of creatine stored in muscles, acts as a rapid source of energy during short bursts of intense activity, such as weightlifting, sprinting, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).[1,2] By increasing your body’s creatine stores through supplementation, you can experience improved strength, power, and endurance during workouts. This translates into the ability to lift heavier weights, run faster, and push through intense training sessions, ultimately leading to better athletic performance.

Muscle Growth and Recovery

Creatine’s impact on muscle growth is another compelling reason for its popularity among fitness enthusiasts. By increasing intramuscular creatine levels, you can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth and hypertrophy.[4,6] Additionally, creatine may help reduce muscle damage and inflammation post-exercise, aiding in faster recovery and minimizing soreness.[5] Oxidative stress and inflammation are reduced as a result of creatine acting as a buffer which allows muscles to recover quicker and build up endurance over time. This means you can train harder and more frequently, accelerating your progress in the gym.

Cognitive Benefits

Beyond its physical benefits, creatine has shown promise in enhancing cognitive function. Research suggests that creatine supplementation can improve cognitive performance, particularly in tasks that require quick thinking, memory, and mental endurance.[7,8,9] Studies have also shown that older adults who take creatine supplements see improvements in memory with regards to recall tasks and long-term memory. Creatine has also been shown to reduce the negative cognitive effects associated with sleep deprivation, such as grogginess and mental fatigue. This makes creatine a valuable tool for athletes seeking a competitive edge and individuals looking to boost their cognitive abilities.

Neuroprotective Properties

Creatine’s benefits extend to the realm of neuroprotection.[10] Some studies suggest that creatine supplementation may help protect brain cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases.[11] Newer studies have tested the effects of creatine supplementation on individuals with traumatic brain injuries and saw results indicative of creatine supplementation reducing negative head trauma side effects. This has led to ongoing research into its potential as a therapeutic agent for conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, although more research is needed to establish definitive conclusions.

Improved Metabolic Health

Creatine may also play a role in improving metabolic health. Some evidence suggests that creatine supplementation can enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, potentially reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.[12,13] Additionally, creatine may support healthy weight management by increasing the body’s resting metabolic rate, allowing for more efficient calorie burning.[14] Recent reviews have reported that creatine supplementation may not only help promote and maintain muscle mass, but also aid in fat mass loss, especially when paired with energy restriction or physical activity. 

Heart Health Benefits

Emerging research indicates that creatine may have a positive impact on heart health.[15] It can help lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with an increased risk of heart disease when elevated.[16,17] By promoting lower homocysteine levels, creatine may contribute to a healthier cardiovascular system. New studies have also shown that creatine supplementation may protect the heart during an ischemic event by preventing arrythmia and improving cardiac function, but there is need for further research (DOI: 10.1186/s12970-017-0173-z). 

Safe and Well-Tolerated

Creatine is one of the most extensively studied supplements, and it has a remarkable safety profile. When taken within recommended doses, it rarely causes adverse effects.[2,18] High doses should not be taken by individuals with pre-existing renal conditions, however, they may engage in regular supplementation. Clinical experiences have shown that even at high dosage levels (20 g/d) and for extended periods of time, adverse events are not commonly reported and creatine is still considered safe. Most people can use creatine without any issues, making it a safe and accessible supplement for individuals of various ages and fitness levels.

What is the Optimal Dosage?

For most people, a single 5 gram dose is sufficient to obtain the benefits described above. It’s quite easy to take, just add a scoop to a water or your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. And the good news is that it can be taken any time throughout the day. Some people prefer to take in the morning because of the nice energy it provides, while others prefer to take it before or after workouts. There is no “wrong” choice. 

Which Brand Should I Choose? 

There are a lot of potential options to choose from when it comes to creatine as many companies are interested in selling a product that actually delivers. Of all the options out there, the best creatine I have tried is the instantized creatine from the company gains in bulk.  This new creatine is 100% pure and 100% soluble, which means no bloating, cramping, or other unwanted side effects. Additionally, it is third party tested to ensure the purity of each batch. It mixes easily in water and the effects are definitely noticeable. 

If you are interested in trying this brand, you can use the link below to get 15% OFF at checkout!

The Many Benefits of Creatine  

Creatine is more than just a staple in the fitness world; it’s a versatile compound with a wide range of benefits. From enhancing athletic performance and promoting muscle growth to boosting cognitive function, protecting brain health, and improving metabolic and heart health, creatine offers something for everyone.

Whether you’re an athlete aiming to reach new heights or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, creatine may be a valuable addition to your supplement regimen. As with any supplement, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting creatine supplementation to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and health goals.