
Dr. Anton’s Health Blog

Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting

Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting Written by Stephen Anton PhD on July 11, 2024 Unlocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting: A Beginner’s Guide In the quest for better health, weight loss, and overall well-being, many have turned to various dietary strategies. Among these, intermittent fasting (IF) has emerged as a powerful and popular approach. But what exactly is [...]

By |July 11th, 2024|

What is the Metabolic Switch and How is it Flipped?

What is the Metabolic Switch and How is it Flipped? Written by Stephen Anton PhD on June 26th, 2024 The concept of the metabolic switch is gaining significant attention in the fields of health and fitness. Understanding this natural process can offer insights into effective fat loss and muscle gain strategies. But what exactly is the metabolic switch, and [...]

By |June 26th, 2024|

Overcoming Barriers to Intermittent Fasting: A Guide to Sustainable Success

Overcoming Barriers to Intermittent Fasting: A Guide to Sustainable Success Written by Stephen Anton PhD on June 12, 2024 Intermittent fasting has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolism, and enhanced mental clarity. Sticking to a fasting routine over the long term, however, can be challenging as there are a number of potential challenges [...]

By |June 12th, 2024|

The Power of Daily Decisions: Building Resilience Through Consistent Challenge

The Power of Daily Decisions: Building Resilience Through Consistent Challenge Written by Stephen Anton PhD on May 22, 2024 In the journey of life, we are faced with countless decisions every single day. From the mundane choices of what to eat for breakfast to the more significant decisions that shape our careers and relationships, each choice we make has [...]

By |May 22nd, 2024|

Creatine: Benefits Beyond the Gym

Creatine: Benefits Beyond the Gym Written by Stephen Anton PhD on April 24, 2024 When it comes to supplements that have made a significant impact in the world of fitness and sports, creatine stands as a true champion.[1] This naturally occurring compound, found predominantly in meat and fish, has gained immense popularity for its wide-ranging benefits.[2] Beyond its well-documented [...]

By |April 24th, 2024|

Optimal Wellness for Business Leaders: A Blueprint for Success

Optimal Wellness for Business Leaders: A Blueprint for Success Written by Stephen Anton PhD on April 9, 2024 As business leaders, the demands of our roles can often leave us neglecting our own well-being. Yet, in order to lead effectively and sustainably, prioritizing our health is not a luxury but a necessity. Optimal wellness isn't just about looking and [...]

By |April 9th, 2024|

Becoming Fasted Adapted: How to Fast Effectively

Becoming Fasted Adapted: How to Fast Effectively Written by Stephen Anton PhD on March 20, 2024 Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to fast for long periods of time without much trouble? This is because they are “fasted-adapted,” which means that their body has successfully adjusted to and is able to efficiently function in a [...]

By |March 20th, 2024|

7 Surprising Benefits of Backward Walking: Why You Should Give it a Try

7 Surprising Benefits of Backward Walking: Why You Should Give it a Try Written by Stephen Anton PhD on September 17th, 2023 Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of exercise, but have you ever considered walking backward? While it might seem odd at first, backward walking, also known as retro-walking or reverse walking, has been gaining [...]

By |September 17th, 2023|

48-Hour Fast: 12 Benefits of Fasting for 48 Hours

48-Hour Fast: 12 Benefits of Fasting for 48 Hours Written by Stephen Anton PhD on July 30th, 2023 Determining the right approach to intermittent fasting can be challenging due to the various options available. Each approach has its pros and cons, and understanding them can help you choose the fasting method that aligns with your goals. An advanced approach [...]

By |July 30th, 2023|

Dr. Anton

I’ve had the privilege of studying the fields of obesity, metabolism, and aging for the past 20 years and felt an increasing desire to share what I’ve learned with as many people as possible the past few years.

Get the Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Take advantage of this FREE PDF and learn the basics of intermittent fasting.


    Dr. Anton

    I’ve had the privilege of studying the fields of obesity, metabolism, and aging for the past 20 years and felt an increasing desire to share what I’ve learned with as many people as possible the past few years.

    Get the Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

    Take advantage of this 100% free PDF and learn the basics of intermittent fasting.

      Get the Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

      Take advantage of this FREE PDF and learn the basics of intermittent fasting.

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